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Accounting game for SVE students


At the faculty of secondary vocational education, the "Accounting game" was held, the participants of which were the united teams of the profiless "Land and property relations" and "Economics and accounting (by industry)".

The quiz consisted of two stages in the format of “Your own game”. The first asked questions of such categories as assets, liabilities, balance and accounts, according to the results of the answers to which the teams scored points. The two teams with the most points fought in the final.

According to the results of the final game, the winner was determined - the team of group 19LPR-11-3 and 19EA-9-1.

The participants showed a high level of knowledge, and all because students of the SVE faculty, thanks to the professionalism of the teachers, their own perseverance and talent, easily conquer new heights!

The event was organized by Inna Borisovna Manzhosova, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting Management Accounting, and Yulia Alekseevna Tsiselskaya, teacher of the educational and methodological department of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.03.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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