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Workshop "Information ecosystems in the structure of modern communication"


The "Boiling Point" of SSAU hosted a workshop "Information ecosystems in the structure of modern communication". The purpose of the workshop: to acquaint students with one of the most important and defining technologies in the modern "digital world" - the ecosystem of the digital economy. The ecosystem (in this context) is a digital platform capable of accumulating the whole range of modern technologies, providing a huge number of users with access to information, high-quality planning services, analytics and, most importantly, access to the market (to customers, to manufacturers, to service providers). organizations and so on).

The event was moderated by teachers of the Department of Information Systems of the Faculty of Economics.

Students were told about the intricacies of information systems:

- Professor Alexander Vasilievich Shuvaev

- Professor Jannet Alievna Tambieva

During the workshop, a conceptual model of the Digital Economy Ecosystem was presented. Examples of modern financial, economic, agrobiological, technological ecosystems are presented. Key digital technologies, the development of which served as an impetus for the development of ecosystems, are outlined.

Among the latter:

· Cloud technologies;

· Distributed computing;

· Big data;

· Internet of things, etc.

During the event, students took an active part in discussing the prospects for the development of digital technologies, positive and negative manifestations of digitalization of modern communication, digital security problems. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  14

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