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Discussion "Problems of the present and vectors of their solution: the view of young people"


At the Boiling point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, within the framework of the week of the STI faculties, teachers of the accounting and financial faculties of SSAU and NCFU, with the participation of the Council of foreign students of SSAU, organized the work of the discussion platform "Problems of the present and vectors of their solution: the view of the young" -practical club of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance.

The moderators were:

- Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova

- Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance for Scientific Work, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Vitalievich Frolov

- Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Marina Genrikhovna Lescheva

- Head of the SSA of the Accounting and Financial Faculty, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Tatyana Nikolaevna Uryadova

- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Monetary Circulation and Credit of NCFU Yulia Aleksandrovna Konopleva

- Teacher of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education Yulia Alekseevna Tsiselskaya

- Chairman of the Council of Foreign Students of SSAU Ahmed Hammam.

The now traditional, annual international scientific and practical discussion platform, brought together for the seventh time students, undergraduates, graduate students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol State Medical University, as well as foreign guests from countries of near and far abroad (Palestine, Syria, India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Angola)

The participants in the discussion brought up their research for discussion, considered the possibilities of interaction in ensuring the development of priority areas for the development of science and practice.

The issues raised by the speakers extend far beyond national borders. So, in particular, the participant of Syria Raba Bashar, highlighted the problem of falsification of dairy products and the search for barriers to getting such products on the consumer's table. Altajaldin Ali from Iraq brought up the causes and consequences of immigration for discussion. A student of the Stavropol State Medical University Kumari Girisha from India, presented her view on the ways to achieve the main goals formed by the UN.

A lively discussion was caused by the reports of Ekaterina Tkachuk (Faculty of Accounting and Finance, SSAU) on the topic “Distance education pros and cons” and Mesharova Ekaterina (Faculty of Service and Tourism, SSAU on the topic “Logistic trends 2021: the impact of the pandemic on transportation”.

The topics raised by Ilya Kapinosov and Maxim Maslyuk, students of NCFU, did not go unnoticed. The panelists discussed with Maxim Maslyuk the impact of digitalization on the stock market, and with Ilya Kapinosov, the development of the securities market.

With Evgeny Basov (Faculty of Accounting and Finance, SSAU), the participants of the event discussed the features of the functioning of the Islamic Bank in Russia and the Middle East.

During the discussion, the club members identified points of contact and expanded the horizons of their research, exchanged experiences.

As a result of the club's work, all participants were awarded certificates, and the research results that aroused the greatest interest were awarded diplomas. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  13

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