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Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University received well-deserved awards from the hands of the Governor of Stavropol


The regional social and volunteer center celebrated the first year of its work. In Stavropol, timed to coincide with this date, a solemn rewarding of volunteers participating in overcoming the consequences of the pandemic in the Stavropol Territory took place. Regional awards were presented to the volunteers by the Governor. Among the awardees are students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

In total, since March 25, 2020, the regional volunteer center has united more than 2 thousand people. During the pandemic, with the support of local business, residents of Stavropol received 320 thousand food kits, 3.5 thousand milk kits. 4 cars were handed over to medical institutions.

Volunteers also helped transport doctors in private vehicles and delivered medications to patients with COVID-19 who are being treated at home.

Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov awarded caring citizens, including students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University:

· Ivan Bashkatov - student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. Coordinator of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Evgeny Basov - student of Accounting and Finance Faculty. Coordinator of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Yana Smorodina - student of the biotechnology faculty. Senior Deputy Coordinators of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Sofia Balatskaya - student of the Biotechnology Faculty. Deputy Coordinators of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Marina Susaya - student of the Faculty of Economics. Deputy Coordinators of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Ulyana Sologub - student of the Faculty of Economics. Deputy Coordinators of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Ksenia Milokhina - student of the Faculty of Biotechnology. Volunteer of the Call Center of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

· Roman Epifanov - student of the Faculty of Biotechnology. Targeted Volunteer of the Stavropol Regional Volunteer Center for Assisting Citizens "Kind Heart" in connection with COVID-19

Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University cannot be indifferent! The guys agreed that this is the very beginning of their volunteer work, and there are still many good deeds ahead.

Дата новости для фото:  01.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  11

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