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Do not miss! Youth intellectual game on financial literacy “What? Where? When?"


From 5 to 11 April 2021, the 7th All-Russian week of financial literacy for children and youth will be held in the Stavropol Territory. The annual educational marathon - VII Week of financial literacy is held as part of the traditional global campaign Global Money Week, the motto of which this year is “Take care of yourself and your money”.

The purpose of the Week as an all-Russian educational and educational campaign is to tell children and adolescents how to manage their personal finances responsibly, to give answers to the main questions of young people about money, to explain to parents why competent financial education is so necessary in the modern world and what tools should be used for it. The key topics of the Week this time will be combating financial fraud, youth entrepreneurship, and dialogue between generations about family finances.

The start of the Week is given by the intellectual game “What? Where? When?" for students of higher educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory of economic profile.

Teams of higher educational institutions of the region will meet within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in an offline format on April 05, 2021 from 14:30 to 17:00 to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of financial literacy.

Youth game “What? Where? When?" carried out at the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory within the framework of the regional program "Increasing the level of financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory and the development of financial education in the Stavropol Territory for 2019-2023."

We invite everyone to gain new knowledge of financial literacy and support team members in their difficult struggle.

The game will take place at the address: Stavropol, Mira, 347 (New building, 5th floor, BOILING POINT, SSAU)   

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