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Student business factory: assessment of investment projects


Workshop “Business Factory. Assessment of Investment Projects”is aimed at developing students' systemic ideas about project management, skills in transforming theoretical foundations into practical solutions, and choosing the best strategy for implementing investment projects.

Every successful entrepreneur launches new and new projects. Some projects are aimed at developing an existing business, while others open up new business horizons.

Projects like these come with great risks as they pave the way into the unknown. The probability of a return on investment in the creation of new products and the development of new markets does not exceed 10% on average. Therefore, investment project management requires special skill.

As part of the discipline "Economic evaluation of investments" for students completed a cycle of workshops on investment project management. The event was organized by Elena Anatolyevna Ostapenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking.

During the workshop, students learned:

· Conduct a competent analysis of investment projects;

· Understand the problems of correct calculation and construction of planned financial flows;

· Engage in a comprehensive assessment of efficiency and risks;

· Make management decisions based on investment analysis;

· To accept principles and schemes of estimation, design of costs and benefits, discounting and optimization.

The main goal of such master classes is to introduce practice-oriented technologies into the educational process by immersing students in a practical environment. Acquaintance of students with examples from practice and classroom work, built on the basis of dynamic interaction with real business entities, are designed to create an atmosphere of friendly ease in the classroom and contribute to a better perception of educational materials.

Students who successfully completed the course presented and defended investment projects. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  10

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