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Week of the "Economic Block" at the "Boiling Point" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


From March 29 to April 2, on the basis of the scientific platform "Boiling point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University", the project "Week of faculties at NTI" began to be implemented. The first week was devoted to the economic block, where the economic, accounting and financial faculties and the faculty of social and cultural service and tourism held more than 20 events on the agenda of the National Technological Initiative.

All events were held in an interactive practice-oriented format (strategic sessions, trainings, master classes, workshops, open lectures, etc.) and covered a wide range of topics from socio-economic and financial issues of our time to the development of students' soft-skills skills.

Among the most striking events, one can single out the round table "Problems of the present and vectors of their solution: the view of youth" with the participation of foreign students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the North Caucasus Federal University. The discussion platform brought together students from different countries to find solutions to socio-economic problems and vectors to overcome the global barriers of our time.

Another memorable event in the "Boiling Point" was the strategic session "Development of Russian agri-food markets in the face of modern challenges", aimed at assessing the current state and development trends of agricultural markets in the context of the national agri-food policy, identifying sectoral problems and possible risks of the functioning of agri-food markets, taking into account regional specifics.

An unusual format of the event was the panorama “Personalized food and its development prospects for FoodNet”, dedicated to the leading approaches to organizing the FoodNet NTI market segment, based on advanced developments in technologies for the production and sale of personalized food products.

Project session for students with an industrial partner PJSC Bank “FT Otkritie” represented by the Head of the Service Department Budko A.V. was aimed at the development of internal projects for the development of the organization based on a real problem in its activities.

Also, the Internet Trading workshop has become a new format at Boiling Point. Currently, their implementation is one of the elements of effective training. This workshop was held on the trading platforms «Transaq» and «Quik» by the director of LLC «Finam-Stavropol» L. M. Butaliy, who shared her personal experience of Internet trading.

The open lectures of expert speakers “Trends in the development of rural areas in Russia and in the world”, “EduNet: educational platforms”, “Forecasting: myths and reality” and master classes “Team of the futur”,“Emotional Intelligence of a Personality”,“A Million from Nothing or How to Choose an Idea for Business”,“Modern Approaches to Website Development”and “Information Ecosystems in the Structure of Modern Communication”.

In general, at the Boiling Point site, more than 1000 people took part in this week: not only students of our university, but also schoolchildren, industrial partners, representatives of other higher educational institutions of the city. Live communication between visitors to the "Boiling Point", their exchange of knowledge, ideas, thoughts, as well as the search for solutions to problems relevant to the NTI agenda in an informal setting contributed to the formation of a new type of thinking among students related to the professions of the future and cross-cutting NTI technologies , the involvement of professionals from various industries in solving the problems of advanced development of the university, city, region and industry. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  20

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