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Cooperation with peasant farms in the field of fungicide testing


Stavropol State Agrarian University is one of the organizations that have the right to conduct registration tests in the North Caucasus region. Specialists-phytopathologists on the basis of the Laboratory of Phytosanitary Monitoring, equipped with the necessary scientific and logistical support, annually conduct a scientific and agronomic assessment of seed disinfectants and fungicides for the treatment of vegetative plants in order to develop regulations for their use.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 109-FZ of July 19, 1997 "On the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals", phytosanitary assessment is carried out in various agro-climatic conditions to improve the range of plant protection products from diseases, pests and weeds as part of the state registration procedure.

Peasant farm Zubenko Yakov Mikhailovich of the Petrovsky urban district is a long-time strategic partner of our university. The head of the farm is a graduate of the zooengineering faculty, and the chief agronomist Vladimir Yakovlevich Zubenko graduated from the plant protection faculty. The farm traditionally pays great attention to plant protection issues, the management actively supports the research initiative and creates all the necessary conditions for work. Moreover, the company warmly welcomes students studying in the field of "Agronomy", and acquaints them with the production process in the framework of field classes.

Students - members of the scientific student circle on agricultural phytopathology and graduate students of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection (senior students who are part of the problem group on phytosanitary monitoring), under the guidance of leading teachers: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Anna Petrovna Shutko and associate professors of the department, candidates of agricultural sciences Lyudmila Vasilievna Tuturzhans and Lyudmila Alekseevna Mikhno, took part in the laying of a field experiment on the basis of the peasant farm Zubenko Yakov Mikhailovich in an arid agroclimatic zone on chestnut soil. The purpose of this experiment is the development of regulations for the use of fungicides in relation to the complex of root and root rot of winter wheat, including gibellinous.

The students got acquainted with the scheme of the experiment, fungicides to be investigated for biological effectiveness against phytopathogens. We drew up a plan for laying the experiment using the method of organized repetitions and carried out a breakdown of the experimental site. Based on the results of processing plants in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for Registration Tests of Fungicides in Agriculture, developed by specialists of leading scientific organizations of the Russian Federation and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the records of the susceptibility of plants to diseases will be made, depending on the rate of use of pesticides, during which students will acquire practical skills in the field of phytosanitary diagnostics and monitoring, as well as statistical processing of the obtained experimental material. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  25

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