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Practical seminar "From theory to practice: how to start a dairy farm for an agronomist, engineer and livestock breeder"


The staff of the faculty of secondary vocational education of SSAU organized a meeting of students with representatives of Agroholding Energomera JSC, during which they discussed projects to support young professionals who choose to work in the countryside. A joint solution of the business case was organized: the participants will "build" a new commercial milk farm, overcome the difficulties in its development, combining the efforts of four areas of agriculture - agronomy, mechanization, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

The event was attended by 1-3 year students of the faculty. Representatives of Agroholding Energomera JSC showed programs for the practice and employment of students of colleges and universities.

The guests were:

Gleb Konstantinovich Lapin - director of personnel selection at Agroholding Energomera JSC;

Vladimir Vladimirovich Brovkov - chief agronomist of Agroholding Energomera JSC;

Oleg Gennadievich Pykhtin - Chief Engineer of Pobeda Agricultural Enterprise LLC;

Margarita Vasilievna Nikolenko - manager of Khleborob LLC;

The speakers answered all the questions of the students of the faculty about the agronomic, engineering and livestock areas of the agricultural holding. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  11

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