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Sectional meeting of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture in the framework of the 86th annual scientific and practical conference "Agricultural science to the North Caucasus Federal District"


At the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture, a meeting of the section "Modern resource-saving innovative technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops in the North Caucasus Federal District" was held, timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor V. Tyulpanov.

The conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko. In his speech, Alexander Nikolayevich noted the relevance and high importance of the 86th annual scientific and practical conference "Agricultural Science to the North Caucasian Federal District".

The Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Doctor of Economics, addressed the participants and guests of the conference with a welcoming speech. Sciences, Professor Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev. In his speech, Alexey Nikolaevich noted the significant role of faculty members in the scientific and practical life of the Stavropol Territory, the high level of scientific research and services provided to agricultural producers. On behalf of the university administration Bobryshev A.N. awarded honorary diplomas to 11 winners of the 1st stage of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, who will represent our university at the regional stages of the competition.

The audience was particularly interested in the reports of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, candidate of agricultural. Sciences Dridiger Vyacheslav Viktorovich, as well as Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Stavropol Territory Trautwein Igor Gennadievich on the current state of the branches of agriculture and ecology in the Stavropol Territory.

The life and career of Professor V.I. Tyulpanov illuminated by the disciple of the famous scientist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Soil Science. IN AND. Tyulpanova Tskhovrebov Valery Sergeevich and his son, candidate of agricultural sciences. Sci., Executive Director of SSPK "Stavropol Gardens" Tyulpanov Sergey Vadimovich.

Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Esaulko Alexander Nikolaevich made a presentation on the priority areas of scientific and practical activities of the departments, spoke about the material and technical base of the university and the experimental station, which allows to train highly qualified personnel for the agricultural industry.

The heads of the organizations-strategic partners of the faculties made reports on the main results of their activities. Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Center of Agrochemical Service "Stavropol" Egorov Vasily Pavlovich with the topic: "Monitoring the state of soil fertility in the Stavropol Territory"; head of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Agricultural Center" in the Stavropol Territory, candidate of agricultural. Oleynikov Andrey Yurievich presented a report: "Phytosanitary state of winter crops in the conditions of 2021"; Head of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Commission of the Russian Federation for Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements" in the Stavropol Territory Batagova Elena Alekseevna highlighted the issue: "The yield of new, promising varieties of winter wheat of various breeding centers cultivated in the soil and climatic zones of the Stavropol Territory in 2020".

"The current state and development prospects of the branches of fruit growing, viticulture and winemaking in the Stavropol Territory" was highlighted in the report of the director of the State Institution "Stavropolvinogradplodoprom" Lysenko Alexey Sergeevich. Head of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Stavropol Territory, Natalya Viktorovna Stepanenko made a report: "Compliance with the requirements in the field of naming geographic objects." Also at the event was a representative of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Research Center", head of the department of agricultural landscape agriculture, candidate of agricultural. sciences Khripunov Alexander Ivanovich.

The conference was held in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, while carrying great scientific and practical importance, which was facilitated by the exchange of experience and relevant information from the speakers.

Дата новости для фото:  09.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  10

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