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Interactive excursion into the military history of Stavropol "The city I live in"


Is it possible to visit an excursion on the military history of Stavropol without leaving the university grounds? It turns out that yes. Students of the Faculty of Electric power engineering became participants of an interactive excursion into the military history of Stavropol "The City I Live In", which took place at the “Boiling Point” of SSAU.

Students learned about the history of the emergence of Stavropol, about the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War, about the great deeds of our fellow countrymen, about the exploits of the heroes who liberated our city from the Nazi occupation and countrymen who showed heroism and courage during the war years - Vasily Apanasenko, Ivan Bulkin, Leonid Sevryukov , Vasily Derkachev, Gennady Golenev, Nelly Belyavskaya, Klavdia Abramova and many others who went to their deaths for the sake of our free future.

The main goal of the interactive excursion is to increase the level of patriotism among the youth. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, many residents of the city and the region voluntarily went to the front to defend their native land. Many of them did not come back, but their combat feat is still remembered by descendants. These people were full of courage. They were driven by the desire to protect their homeland, family.

This event was organized at the initiative of the University History Museum, the staff of the Department of Philosophy and History, as well as with the support of the Patriot Youth Center in Stavropol. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  15

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