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SSAU “Boiling Point” became Platform for Total Dictation - 2021


Total dictation is an annual educational action in the form of a voluntary dictation for everyone. This year the Total Dictation was held in 60 countries of the world, and Yakutsk became the capital of the action as a result of the competition. In Stavropol, the dictation is being held for the seventh time.

This is a public project carried out by activists and volunteers. The organizer of the action is the Total Dictation Foundation (Novosibirsk). A unique text of the dictation is created by a famous writer every year especially for the action. It was the Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky.

The text was not published anywhere before the event. The author himself dictated it live. In order for the participants to be able, together with the heroes of the work, to experience the amazing events and emotions taking place with them, the organizers found the opportunity to film the plot. On the eve of the dictation, a short film "Promises" was shown on the offline platforms and on the website of the action. In the future, it is planned to participate in film festivals.

At the “Boiling Point” of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Total Dictation was organized by the Department of Foreign Languages, university volunteers and students who are not indifferent to the Russian language. The presenter was Nikita Vlaskin, the speaker - Anna Filatova, senior editor of the broadcasting service of the State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company “Stavropolye”. The excellent performers of the site will be awarded by the sponsors of the dictation. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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