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Pedagogical debut - 2021


The competition of professional skills "Pedagogical debut - 2021" for teachers of secondary vocational education of SSAU, whose work experience does not exceed five years, started at Stavropol State Agrarian University. A solemn opening ceremony was held at the “Boiling Point” of SSAU, which brought together representatives of the university, participants and spectators.

The debutants were warmly greeted by the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov: “Any competition is a search for oneself and a search for something new, something different. You will find out what you are capable of, how you assess your capabilities. I wish this competition will not only become the starting point of your pedagogical path, but also bring you pleasure from participation. "

This year, 12 teachers of the faculty took part in the competition:

- Alexandrova Yulia Sergeevna;

- Bezina Yulia Andreevna;

- Berkunova Anastasia Olegovna;

- Volgianina Anastasia Fedorovna;

- Eseneeva Angela Ruslanovna;

- Zhabin Andrey Alexandrovich;

- Isikova Lolita Alexandrovna;

- Medvedeva Ekaterina Pavlovna;

- Motornaya Daria Pavlovna;

- Stus Lada Nikolaevna;

- Tsiselskaya Yulia Alekseevna;

- Chichagova Irina Gennadievna.

All participants will have to pass four competitive tests:

Business card "Me and my profession", during which the contestants need to reveal the motives for choosing a teaching profession, their own pedagogical principles and approaches to education, their understanding of the mission of a teacher in the modern world, the meaning of pedagogical activity, demonstration of the vision of modern problems and possible ways of solving them by means of education.

Competitive test "Online lesson", the purpose of which is to demonstrate the competitor's professional competencies in the field of conducting a lesson / class as the main form of organizing the educational process and educational activities of students using distance learning technologies. Competitive test format: recording an online lesson in a subject / discipline.

Competitive test "Open lesson", where all participants must demonstrate professional competence in the field of conducting and analyzing the lesson as the main form of organizing the educational process and educational activities of students.

Competitive test "Curatorial hour". The purpose of the competition event: demonstration by the participants of the Competition of professional and personal competencies in the field of education and socialization of students. Competitive test format: curatorial hour with students.

The contestants will be evaluated by a professional jury, which includes:

Atanov Ivan Vyacheslavovich, rector of Stavropol GAU, professor;

Tunina Nelli Aleksandrovna, head of the department of organization and control of the educational process, candidate of legal sciences;

Fedisko Olga Nikolaevna, head of the department for independent assessment of the quality of education, candidate of pedagogical sciences;

Gavrilova Oksana Sergeevna, dean of the faculty of secondary vocational education, candidate of philological sciences;

Tatiana Sergeevna Chernyshova, acting head of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

Elena Petrovna Sedova, head of the educational work department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

Yeshchenko Yulia Alekseevna, Head of Industrial Practice, Faculty of secondary vocational education;

Yagupova Oksana Nikolaevna, specialist of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

Dmitry Chernov, teacher of the first qualification category of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

Ivanova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

Mashentseva Galina Viktorovna, teacher of the highest qualification category at the faculty of secondary vocational education.

Skorochkina Anastasia Viktorovna, teacher of the highest qualification category of the faculty of secondary vocational education.

Based on the results of all assignments, the jury will determine the laureates and winners of the "Pedagogical Debut - 2021", which will be honored on April 23, 2021 at the closing ceremony of the competition. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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