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University students visited the historical exhibition "The Way to the Stars!" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Gagarin’s first space flight


On April 12, 1961, the Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok-1 spacecraft took off from the Baikonur cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the planet Earth. His flight into space became the most important event in the history of mankind, and the whole world rejoiced in a single impulse.

It is to this event that the exhibition "The Way to the Stars: the 60th Anniversary of the First Human Space Flight" is dedicated, which is presented in the historical museum complex "Russia - My History" in Stavropol. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of the event that took place on April 12, 1961 - the era of human astronautics began with it.

Students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University became involved in this event and went to the exhibition. They learned the history of the birth of astronautics as a science and the process of its development, the study of the principles of the functioning of rocket engines from the theoretical works of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky to the first rockets of Sergei Korolev.

Of course, the exposition also tells about space flights: from the first flights to near-earth orbit to the construction of modern orbital stations and plans to conquer other planets. The panoramic cinema tells about the outstanding Russian astronauts, their fates and achievements: Yuri Gagarin and German Titov, Alexei Leonov and Valentina Tereshkova.

A real interactive universe awaited students at the exhibition "The Way to the Stars", where on touch screens you can open the solar system in front of you and, by clicking on one of the planets, find out its area, temperature, distance from the Earth and many other interesting facts. Here you can "launch" a rocket from one of the modern cosmodromes located in our country and in the post-Soviet space. Visitors were able to “assemble” the Angara 5M launch vehicle and “launch” it into space, rotate 3D models of the rockets, while learning the history of their creation.

Guests of the multimedia complex not only learned about the history of the study of the Universe, but also saw rare documentary photographs and materials.

This event was organized on the initiative of the staff of the Department of Philosophy and History, as well as with the active cooperation of the museum of the history of the university with the museum complex "Russia - my history" in Stavropol. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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