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At SSAU, work has begun on advanced training in the form of an internship under the program “Improving the educational and production base of the University as a strategic direction of the University”


Stavropol State Agrarian University is a recognized flagship of the domestic agricultural education. The University with a worthy 90-year history. Today the University has one of the best material and technical bases in higher educational institutions in Russia. It is no coincidence that it was our University that was chosen as a place for conducting advanced training courses in the form of an internship under the program “Improving the educational and production base of the university as a strategic direction of the university” for managers, vice-rectors, deans and heads of departments of educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

On the instructions of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, following the results of the all-Russian meeting with the rectors of agricultural universities in Stavropol, on November 29, 2019, an Action Plan was drawn up for organizing internships for persons from among the administrative and managerial personnel of agricultural universities in order to exchange experience and improve the efficiency of management of agricultural universities. In accordance with this Plan, Stavropol State Agrarian University met at its base a delegation from 21 universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

The work began with a round table meeting “The University is a regional educational and scientific resource center for educational innovations and best practices”.

Director General of the Association of Educational Institutions of Agroindustrial Complex and Fisheries Viktor Yegorovich Berdyshev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

“I would like to wish your, such a friendly community, successful work in today’s event, today’s seminar. I would like to note that such similar seminars will still be sufficient throughout Russia. The main thing is not to stand still”, noted Viktor Yegorovich.

Then, reports were made by:

Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov “University is a regional educational and scientific resource center for educational innovations and best practices”,

Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev “The role of research laboratories in the innovative activity of the university”

Then the guests were introduced to the mechanisms of work of the main scientific and innovative spaces of the new educational and laboratory building of SSAU. Their work was presented by:

“Modernization of library spaces, creation of a comfortable environment for independent work of students, preservation of the scientific and cultural heritage of the university” director of the scientific library Marina Vasilievna Obnovlenskaya

“University’s Tochka Kipeniya is a platform for the development of digital competencies and projects in the field of the National Technology Initiative” Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev

“Center for Advanced Professional Training as a Driver of Digital Technologies in the Region” Denis Sergeevich Kalugin Deputy Head of the Center for Advanced Professional Training

Then the guests were divided into two groups and worked in sections.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: educational and laboratory complex of modern high-tech equipment for obtaining professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of veterinary medicine,

Biotechnology faculty: a center for selection and genetic improvement of specialized domestic and foreign breeds of farm animals and poultry using remote monitoring of biological productivity,

Greenhouse complex: the role of the greenhouse complex in the research activities of the university and the training of specialists for greenhouse vegetable growing,

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization: New Approaches in the Formation of Engineering Competencies at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization,

Faculty of social and cultural service and tourism: experience in applying a practice-oriented approach in the training of specialists in the hotel industry,

Accounting and Finance Faculty: the formation of universal competence in the field of economic culture, including financial literacy among students of agricultural specialties (universities),

Faculty of Economics: the formation of professional competencies of students of the Faculty of Economics on the basis of information, marketing and management technologies,

Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources: educational and scientific testing laboratory,

Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture: the role of the laboratory of agrochemical analysis in the educational process, scientific research and contractual work, improving land management through remote technologies,

Faculty of Electricity: energy efficient technologies for the consumption of energy resources. Maintenance, repair and operation of power and electrical equipment.

“We are a leading agricultural university, and of course we have something to show. In addition to the material and technical base, we are ready to share the content of all projects, tell the content, share the best developments and experience. I'm sure we all have a lot to learn from each other. I hope for fruitful work”, - concluded the rector of SSAU, professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  9

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