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SSAU scientists spoke at the Round Table of the XXII April conference “Development of agri-food systems: global trends and Russian realities” NRU HSE


Digitalization is one of the important trends in the innovative development of not only the agricultural sector, but also rural areas. The conference at the Higher School of Economics was devoted to these and other topics. The use of digital assets is growing in various sectors of agriculture. The development of telemedicine, distance education and the receipt of public services, e-commerce makes it possible to reduce the gap between urban and rural infrastructure. The COVID-19 crisis has made these changes even more urgent.

The conference examined the main global trends and their consequences in relation to the Russian agri-food system, taking into account economic and social aspects.

The speakers were:

Serova Evgeniya Viktorovna - Director for Agrarian Policy, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Topic of the report: “The future of food systems in Europe and Central Asia”

Ryumkin Sergey Vladimirovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. Topic of the report: “Trends in the development of Asian Russia: the upcoming agenda”

Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovich - Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Management Technologies, Stavropol State Agrarian University. Topic of the report: “Problems and directions of development of the market of grape and wine products of the agro-industrial complex of Russia”

Lugovskoy Sergey Ivanovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Law, Stavropol State Agrarian University, employee of the Department for the Study of Rural Development Problems of the Higher School of Economics. Topic of the report: “Factors and relationships in the development of rural areas” and others.

The subject of discussion at the round table was:

- Influence of global trends on the production of agricultural products;

- Formation of agri-food chains;

- Innovative development of the agricultural sector and its support;

- Development of rural areas in Russian conditions.

Access to the recording by reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdlPPdfEPzQ

Дата новости для фото:  22.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  7

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