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Student conference "Modern youth about the Great Patriotic War"


On May 9, 2021, the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War will be celebrated. 1418 days and nights, our people went to victory over Nazi Germany. The victory came at a heavy price. The war claimed nearly 27 million lives. Therefore, on May 9, we honor and elevate the feat and spirit of the defenders of our Motherland. This is a day of triumph and justice, a day when the possibility of peaceful existence and development was passed on to subsequent generations. In the Russian consciousness, this day personifies the triumph of the highest justice, the victory of good and freedom over the forces of evil and violence. The Great Patriotic War is one of those historical events that allow numerous subsequent generations of Russians to classify themselves as a people capable of world-wide significant achievements.

The student scientific forum was opened by Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Ivan Ivanovich Gulyak, who pointed out the need to preserve the historical truth.

“Modern youth, alas, are practically deprived of the opportunity to directly communicate with the participants of the Great Patriotic War - time is ruthless. Along with other factors, this affects the formation of her historical memory, moral priorities, personal ideas about the essence of the continuity of generations. The teachers of the disciplines of the humanities cycle at the university are faced with a fundamentally important task - to stimulate their need for a specific historical, emotionally close and morally oriented idea of ​​the most important events for the fate of the Motherland, adequate to the interests, level and nature of the general culture of students. One of the effective means of counteracting dangerous tendencies of the modern socio-cultural situation is the revitalization of the best examples of morality, civil solidarity, the powerful ennobling and consolidating influence of the uplifting memory of the glorious deeds of the older generations - representatives of all peoples of the USSR, primarily on the example of the Great Victory over Nazism in 1945 " - noted I.I. Gulyak.

Student reports were devoted to the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War, the heroic struggle of youth against the Nazi invaders, the partisan and underground movement, the courage and courage of youth, the occupation of Stavropol and the history of the Stavropol State Agrarian University during the Great Patriotic War. World War II. Students of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, as well as students of the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education took an active part in the conference.

Дата новости для фото:  27.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  25

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