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Registration for online courses "Agrarian education" has started


We invite students of Agrarian Universities, young specialists in the field of agriculture, farmers, entrepreneurs, investors and all interested persons to participate in the project online courses "Agrarian education" (hereinafter - the "Project"), which received support at the North Caucasian youth forum "Mashuk-2020 ".

This project is aimed at popularizing agriculture among

young people from 16 to 35 years old. The main objectives of the project are to inform young people about the forms of state support for small and medium-sized businesses, familiarize themselves with advanced technologies with the opportunity to create their own business, raise the prestige of specialties in the agricultural sector and increase the interest of young people in agriculture by organizing 5 online training courses until October 1, 2021 .

Project manager: Karaeva Elvira Maratovna - candidate of agricultural sciences.

Project partners: Rosmolodezh; FSBEI HPE VO "Dagestan

State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov ";

" Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the Republic of Dagestan "and ANO

" Association of Youth Initiatives "Community of the Future".

To participate in the project, you must fill out an electronic form at the link: forms.gle/VdaNpUMTXrzNM2ve8

Training will take place on a training platform GetCourse.ru. После прохождения регистрации на указанные контакты будут направлена информация о дате и времени проведения онлайн обучения, а также актуальная ссылка на вебинарную комнату.

*Все пункты формы являются ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНЫМИ для заполнения.

Форма будет открыта для заполнения до 20 мая 2021 года. После указанного срока заявки приниматься не будут.

Интересующие вопросы можно задать по адресу электронной почты

agrokurskaraeva@gmail.com marked with "Questions".

You can get detailed information by clicking on the links:



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