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Additional professional development programme "Additional education in SPE organisations: legal, economic, organisational and methodological aspects"


The Stavropol State Agrarian University held a 16-hour training course on additional professional development programme: 'Additional Education in Vocational Education and Training Organisations: legal, economic, organisational and methodological aspects' for specialists from secondary vocational education organisations in the region. More than 40 people took part in the work.

The first module "Management of Supplementary Vocational Education in SPE: legal and economic aspects" was held by Nina Nikolaevna Aniskina, Rector of FSBEI VPO "Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management" (Yaroslavl), President of the Union of managers of institutions and units of supplementary vocational education and employers, President of the European Institute of Professional Education and Adult Learning.

On the agenda were discussed topics of relevance to VET:

- Supplementary vocational education - status and prospects for development. International and national models to ensure the quality of Vocational Education and Training.

- Self-evaluation according to the criteria of the European Commission for Education. Case study.

- External regulation of VET. Current changes in normative legal regulation of additional professional education.

- Risk-oriented approach and its application in the management of the organization to reduce the volume of external inspections.

As part of the work, experts and the speaker discussed methodological guidelines for the management of further professional education at the organisation level. The trainees watched presentations of best practices.

After the theoretical sessions, the trainees engaged in practical training and discussion in several teams.

The courses were prepared by the Centre for Advanced Vocational Training in the Stavropol Region.  

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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