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Dialogue between students and successful entrepreneurs


Famous entrepreneurs of the city of Stavropol told the students about the history of their business and shared the secrets of its successful running. In a friendly atmosphere, the guests shared their knowledge, experience, talked about their professional path, how to become truly successful businessmen, overcoming certain difficulties and failures, and gave valuable advice to future specialists.

The guests of the event were:

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Zakharov - a successful investor, semi-finalist of the Leaders of Russia 2020 competition, a graduate of the Presidential Program for the training of management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation.

Anna Konstantinovna Trutneva - public speaking coach , creator of the educational project "Strongly said", laureate of the competition "Woman of the Year - 2016", head of the 8bit cover group.

Sergejus Virgiliyus Savitskis - founder and director of AlfaEnergoStroy LLC.

Another guest of the meeting became Lyubov Petrovna Stetsyuk - financial consultant of JSC Insurance Company "Sovcombank Life". Opening the event, she noted that today's meeting is an excellent opportunity for students to communicate directly with leading businessmen of the region, get their opinion on the most relevant topics, dispel doubts about starting their own business, set new goals and highlight specific tasks.

Students asked entrepreneurs a lot of questions about what interested them in the first place - the pros and cons of starting their own business; professionalism of personnel; business advantages over competitors; sources of project financing and ways to attract investors; prospects for the development of modern business.

Sergejus Virgilius advised students who want to become entrepreneurs not to be afraid to take risks, make mistakes, be purposeful and believe in their idea.

Anna Konstantinovna advised to look for themselves, create their own business projects, to be confident in yourself and only live and work with a smile, positively.

According to Konstantin Aleksandrovich, you need to strive for your goal with all your might and constantly learn. Having passed the way from the head of the legal service of the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and a candidate for deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory to a successful lawyer and investor, he noted that with his intellect, his energy, you can move mountains, and now is just the right moment for student youth. {{1} } The students thanked the guests for the meaningful dialogue and expressed the opinion that vivid examples of successful people are the best motivators for productive activity. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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