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Congratulations on Victory Day


Dear veterans, home front workers, heroes! I cordially congratulate you on the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Victory Day is a holiday with a proud look and indescribable pain! It is the day when the bloodiest and most expensive Victory was won at an irreplaceable price. We are a generation that was fortunate enough to touch history, touch the feat, hear firsthand about the chronicles of the Great Patriotic War.

Every day under the same sky with you is an honor for us. The years will not touch the greatness of your feat, will not erase your work and dedication from the pages of history, will not wash away the blood of the dead. We do our best to instill in modern youth love for the Motherland, respect in elders, and by your example we show how to live a decent life!

Dear veterans, home front workers, children of war, heroes! Low bow to you for the peaceful sky above our head! For the country restored from the ashes! For a bright future! Your courage is the greatest asset in the history of our country and every family living in Russia.

The main wish is good health and vitality! Let the warmth of love of close ones, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren warm you. May the world around you always be bright from sunlight and clear sky! Thank you for being there! Happy Holidays!

Rector of SSAU, professor I.V. Athanov 

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