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Round table "North Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War"


A round table "The North Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War" was held at the faculties of biotechnology and veterinary medicine. The event was organized by the Council of Veterans of SSAU and the Department of Philosophy and History.

The round table was opened by Nikolay Gavrilovich Guzinin, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU. He noted at what a huge price the Victory over Nazi Germany was won. Then the floor was given to the guest of honor, Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol City Council of Veterans, veteran of the Russian Armed Forces, Reserve Colonel Vladimir Pavlovich Zubov, who shared with the students his memories of military service and its various instructive episodes.

At the round table interesting reports prepared under the guidance of Professor Evgeny Vasilyevich Tufanov, were presented by the 1st year students of the FVM Dutchenko Alexey and Rzhevskaya Elena, as well as 1st year students of the AFF Ksenia Derevyanko and Lobzhanidze Elena. In their meaningful speeches they reproduced the military actions and heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers and generals in the North Caucasus.

At the end of the event, Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzinin, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU, and Evgeny Vasilyevich Tufanov, Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of SSAU, summed up the results and answered students' questions. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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