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Spartakiad of student teams of the North Caucasian Federal District


On the territory of the sports grounds of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Spartakiad of student teams of higher education institutions and professional educational organizations of the North Caucasus Federal District was held. The organizers of the event are the student sports club "Kolos", the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the headquarters of the student teams of the Stavropol Territory. 35 teams, 350 participants, 50 organizers, 12 standards and stations, a huge amount of emotions - all in one day.

The project was implemented at the expense of grant funds received as part of the victory in the All-Russian competition of youth projects from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs "Rosmolodezh", as well as with the support of the Resource Youth Center.

The project is aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing interest to physical culture and sports, the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle of youth and the moral values ​​of the movement of student teams, as well as an increase in the level of social activity.

The Spartakiad includes relay races of various levels of difficulty, during which student teams that showed the best result, will be awarded with valuable prizes from the project partners. Also, each participant will be able to show their abilities outside the team by passing a personal test.

Competitions were held in two nominations - team and individual tests. The deserved prizes and medals were presented to the teams by the rector of SSAU, professor Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov.

Team-wide SPO score:

1st place was taken by the team - "Vertical" GC!

2nd place was taken by the team - "Typhoon "SSAU!

The team -" Victoria "GC!

Team classification of universities:

1st place was taken by the team -" Southern Elephant "NCFU!

2nd place took the team - "Kolos" SSAU!

The team - "Spartans" SSAU took the 3rd place!

In the individual classification, the participants received diplomas of winners and gifts from the partners of the Spartakiad. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  20

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