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Meeting of students with agronomists "PhosAgro-Region" in the framework of the week of innovations


As part of the innovation week, specialists from the agricultural support service of the largest Russian distribution network of mineral fertilizers PhosAgro-Region (PhosAgro group) met with students. The event was dedicated to the productivity of agricultural crops based on innovative products. Traditionally, the meeting took place in an auditorium created with the support of PhosAgro-Region on the basis of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology.

Specialists of the agricultural support services of the regional network companies - PhosAgro-Stavropol and PhosAgro-Kuban - held two open lectures on the production of modern phosphorus-containing and complex fertilizers and the practice of their use to obtain high and high-quality yields in various agrometeorological conditions.

The pro-rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev and the dean of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko.

"PhosAgro-Region" and scientists Stavropol Agrarian University is linked by long-term and fruitful cooperation. Today PhosAgro's assortment includes more than 50 different brands of mineral fertilizers, including those with microelements. To help the agrarians of the Stavropol Territory decide on the choice of the best agro-technological solutions, the specialists of PhosAgro-Stavropol, with the scientific support of the staff of the Department of Agrochemistry and Physiology, conduct experiments and lay production experiments in the conditions of the best agricultural enterprises of the Stavropol Territory.

This makes it possible to demonstrate in practice agronomic and the economic effect of the integrated use of modern brands of fertilizers in comparison with the traditional for the region schemes of mineral nutrition.

The PhosAgro-Region network began direct work with farmers of the Stavropol Territory in 2002. To date, the regional company PhosAgro-Stavropol operates two distribution centers in Zelenokumsk and Svetlograd, providing high-quality mineral fertilizers to farmers in all 26 districts of the Stavropol Territory. In total, these warehouse complexes are capable of providing a one-time reliable storage of more than 50 thousand tons of granular and almost 6 thousand tons of liquid mineral fertilizers. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  19

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