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Crop protection innovations


A panel discussion on "Innovations in Plant Protection" was held at the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University, organized and held by the staff of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection with the support of the university administration and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture. The event was actively attended by representatives of business and practice, who presented their professional views on the effectiveness of modern innovations in plant protection.

The event was opened by Alexey Nikolayevich Bobryshev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. It was noted that the Boiling Point became a single information space, which was created to unite young researchers, to help them develop and learn new things.

Dean of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of RAS Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko in his welcome speech noted that most speakers of the event were graduates of our university. They have passed a long professional way, we are proud of them, and they continue to cooperate with us. They offer scholarship programs, invite students for paid internships, create new innovative classrooms with modern high-tech and information equipment.

Elena Alexeevna Tambovtseva, head of crop production department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, in her welcome speech noted that the modern technology of cultivation of any crop in the Stavropol region cannot be imagined without the use of protective measures. High efficiency of plant protection is threatened by many challenges: weather conditions, and dangerous pests (eg, locusts). In the agricultural region, the relevant ministry seeks to support agricultural producers, for example, through a system of grants and subsidies.

Andrey Alexandrovich Makhrov, a graduate of the Faculty of Agronomy, and now the head of the territorial division of Syngenta, told about the life of the company, noted some historical aspects of its development, outlined the current state, and also presented the experience of innovation company Syngenta in agricultural production.

Vladimir A. Sugak, the head of the Shpakovsky District Biological Method Laboratory of the Stavropol Krai branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rosselkhoztsentr" in his report "Biological preparations in the struggle for the harvest" presented the current status of the biological method, explained the range of biological preparations produced by the laboratory, indicated their effectiveness, the scope and prospects for use in the agricultural sector of the region.

Ekaterina Valerievna Kharchenko, specialist on testing and marketing of biological means of plant protection, approached the issue of application of biological method of plant protection from the practical side. In her report "Experience in the application of biological protection of plants in the South of Russia" she cited the results of the effective use of bioagents on various crops, which was supported by a very large number of interesting photo materials.

Tatiana Viktorovna Porfirieva, a graduate student of the Plant Protection Department, spoke about "Implementing Innovations in Plant Protection" by Corteva Agriscience, of which she is the head of the SCFD region. It was noted that the modern use of plant protection chemicals requires a professional approach to the issues of quality and safety, compliance with technology and regulations of preparations.

Tatiana Nikolayevna Shtanko, graduate student of Agrobiology and Land Resources, leading agronomist for plant protection at "Dolina Solntsa" LLC, approached the issue of "Application of biological method of protection in protected ground conditions" from a practical point of view. The areas under greenhouse farms increase annually in the region. The conditions of closed ground are very different from the field ones. Therefore, it is very important to approach the problems of applying chemical and biological methods of plant protection professionally.

The event aroused lively interest among the students, who asked a lot of questions to the speakers. And if the students of junior courses were interested in the manifestation of harmful objects, the effectiveness of the proposed chemical and biological methods of protection, their safety for humans and the environment. But for the graduates who started to write their qualification works, more professional questions were interesting: how long the preparation stays in the protected plant, where the biological agents go after the protective effect, innovative developments in the field of safe use of plant protection products.

All speakers answered the questions. And also noted that now agriculture needs highly qualified specialists of a broad profile, not just agronomists, but agronomists with good knowledge of economics, financial security, and digital technologies.

During the panel discussion, there was a dialogue, the speakers invited students to cooperate with subsequent employment. The event turned out to be rich, informative and interesting.

Дата новости для фото:  30.04.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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