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Roundtable of irrigation specialists


A round table of irrigation specialists entitled 'The role of land reclamation in agricultural production' was held at the Boiling Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Invited guests and agronomy students took part.

he round table was opened by Lyudmila Viktorovna Trubacheva, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. She told about the role of land reclamation in agricultural production, which includes a set of organizational-economic and technical measures to improve hydrological, soil and agroclimatic conditions in order to increase the efficiency of land and water resources to obtain high and sustainable yields of agricultural crops. The Head of the Department, Dr. Olga Ivanovna Vlasova made a welcoming speech.

Then the floor was given to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelenko, Head of the Reclamation and Vegetable Growing Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, who provided information on the status of irrigated land in the Stavropol Territory. At the round table with interesting reports were made by Deputy Director for Production of Agroholding "Energomera" Artamonov Alexander, chief agronomist for maintaining technology "Dobrovolnoe" OOO, Krasnikov Alexander, chief agronomist of "Agrosahar" OOO, Izobilnensky district, Chernov Nikolai, agronomist of the irrigated area of "Urozhaynoye" OAO, Novoalexandrovsky district, who provided information on the characteristics of crop growing under irrigation. Presentations made by representatives of agricultural production during the round table aroused great interest and questions from the students. Direct communication with the producers is the key to success in the practical education of students.  

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  9

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