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Final of the IX All-Russian Olympiad "Securities Market-2021"


The results of the annual All-Russian Securities Market Olympiad were summarised at the SKFU Institute of Economics and Management in cooperation with UNIVER Capital Investment Company and Broker-Centre, with the support of Moscow Exchange. It has already become a tradition that students of Accounting and Finance Department participate in the annual Olympiad. This year 6 applications were submitted and two of the participants became finalists of the Olympiad having passed to the full-time stage. The finalists were 40 representatives of Russian universities, who successfully completed the absentee rounds and collected the highest number of points.

In-person tests included: solving practical problems, case studies, an analyst contest, and the Exchange Trading business game.

Victor Mikhonenko, a third-year accounting and finance student, won in the "Best Financial Analyst" category and was awarded a book on stock exchanges and the stock exchange game.

Inal Efendiyev, a 3rd year student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, was awarded a Laureate Certificate and a Commemorative Campaign of the Stock Exchange History Museum.

Certificates of Olympiad participants were awarded to 4th year students of Accounting and Finance faculty Mariya Kurilova, Zalina Magomedalieva, Evgeniya Tyunyan and Alexandra Tosunova.

Representatives of financial companies Valery Skotnikov, Head of Retail Clients Department of PAO "Moscow Exchange"; Andrey Vernikov, famous analyst, Head of Investment Analysis and Training Department of UNIVER Capital; Roman Andreev, manager, founder of SR Solutions, who assessed the work of Olympiad finalists in the in-person stage, addressed the participants.

In conclusion of the event Vladimir Starkov, Development Director at UNIVER Capital, thanked university professors who had prepared students for the Olympiad and expressed confidence that the next Anniversary Xth Olympiad will be even bigger.   

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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