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The faculties of veterinary medicine and biotechnology held a plenary session of the 86th International Scientific-Practical Conference 'Innovative Technologies in Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine and Food Industry'


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Biotechnology held a plenary session 'Innovative Technologies in Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine and Food Industry' as part of the 86th international scientific-practical conference 'Agrarian Science to the North Caucasus Federal District'. The conference was traditionally attended by the departments' strategic partners and employers. The possibility of wide coverage of the conference was made possible by broadcasting it in a remote format.

Alexey Bobryshev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of FSBEI HE Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, welcomed the participants of the meeting and underlined the leading role of faculties in the formation of application documents for participation in major research projects of strategic importance for the development of our region.

The dean of the faculties, professor Valentin S. Skripkin made a welcoming speech in which the most significant, key scientific achievements of 2020, which allowed the university to take the leading position in the research work, and prospects for the future development were voiced.

The innovation of the last conference was the presentation of the big team of researchers representing the Scientific and Production Laboratory of Diagnostics and Prophylaxis of Brucellosis of Animals and SC SC "Stavropol Regional STBZ", working at the problem of complex prophylaxis, diagnostics and measures of struggle against brucellosis of farm animals.

The team consists of: First deputy head of the Stavropol Territory veterinary department Rudenko Alexei Vasilyevich, head of the institution GKU SK "Stavropol Territory SBSZH" Evgeny Nikolayevich Ilyin, Natalya Khristenko, Deputy Head of the establishment of SC SC "Stavropol Krai SBSZH" under the guidance of the head of scientific and production laboratory animal brucellosis diagnostics and prevention SC SC "Stavropol Krai SBSZH", Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Petros Karapetovich Arakelyan who made a summary report on the topic: "Strategy to optimise the system of brucellosis control measures in cattle and small ruminants in the Stavropol Territory", told about the latest scientific achievements in the fight against this particularly dangerous disease of animals and humans and answered a large number of questions from conference participants.

The deputy director on scientific work VNIIOK - branch FSBSI "North-Caucasian FNAC", the leading research officer of department of sheep breeding FSBSI "North-Caucasian FNAC", candidate of agricultural sciences Shumaenko Svetlana Nikolaevna acted with the report on a theme: "Modern condition and prospects of scientific maintenance of sheep breeding in Russia", reflected key "points of growth" and high technological trends of traditional for Stavropol territory branch of animal industries.

Leading researcher of interdepartmental scientific and educational laboratory of experimental immunomorphology, immunopathology and immunobiotechnology of Institute of Living Systems of North Caucasus Federal University, candidate of biological sciences, associate professorRzhepakovsky Igor Vladimirovich presented a report on "Anti-arthritic effect of hen embryonic tissue hydrolysate (microtomographic and histopathological analysis)", reflecting the latest developments in biotechnology, pathology and morphology.

Professor of the basic department of private zootechnics of selection and breeding of animals FSBEIU VO "Stavropol State Agrarian University", Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor Epimanova. Epimakhova Elena Edugartovna, professor, in her report on "Company rebranding for the needs of small-scale poultry farming" has presented a detailed algorithm, economic justification and efficiency of reorientation of production in the poultry industry on example of LLC "Agrokormservis Plus", the longstanding strategic partner of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

As a result, the agenda of the plenary session of the conference was fully implemented, the results of the breakout sessions will be reflected in the collection to be formed and will be the basis for postgraduate training and research on writing doctoral works.  

Дата новости для фото:  14.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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