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Regional stage of the All-Russian Сompetition AgroNTI-2021


The regional stage of AgroNTI was held at the Stavropol State Agarian University for the fourth time. The competition was attended by students of 5 - 11 grades, from different parts of the North Caucasus Federal District. The main goal of AgroNTI is to involve young people from the regions in working on the technological priorities of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), through familiarization with high-tech projects in agriculture.

During the qualifying round, students delved into complex areas, learned how to control unmanned aerial vehicles, automated control systems for agricultural machinery, use satellite images and web technologies in agriculture, and learn how to program the weather, creating archives and analyzing data.

The competition is held all over Russia. The winners of the regional stages will present their skills at the All-Russian level. 19 specialized universities across the country hosted young professionals at their base.

In addition to the main 4 areas - agrospace, agrometeo, agrocopters and agrorobots, this year for the first time the competence of agrobio was included in the program. Each of them is the future of the agro-industrial complex.

On the first day of the competition, the tests were held in the following competencies: agrorobots and agrocopters, the second day brought together participants in the following categories: agrometeo, agrospace and agrobio. In total, more than 200 schoolchildren took part in the competition. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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