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17 International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of scientific and technological progress in the agro-industrial complex"


Within the framework of the 23rd specialized agro-industrial exhibition "Agrouniversal-2021" and the 21st Russian exhibition of breeding sheep and goats, an International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of scientific and technological progress in the agro-industrial complex" was held, organized by the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

The following research areas were discussed during the conference:

1. New resource-saving technologies and technical means of production and processing of agricultural products.

2. Improving the operation and technical service of the MTP in modern conditions.

3. High-precision digital technologies, the use of unmanned and robotic technical systems. Technologies and equipment for precision agriculture.

4. Organic farming. Technologies and machines for the production of environmentally friendly products.

5. Assessment of the economic and energy efficiency of mechanized technological processes and technical means in the agro-industrial complex.

6. Modeling, design and optimization of mechanized agricultural processes.

7. Resource-saving technologies and modern materials in the production and repair of machinery and equipment.

8. Energy saving. Alternative fuels.

9. Information and consulting support of scientific and technological progress in the agro-industrial complex. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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