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The results of the first stage of the All-Russian competition for librarians of higher educational institutions have been summed up


On May 25, the results of the first stage of the All-Russian competition "Leadership Laboratory - 2021: the best university librarian" were summed up. Stage I "Information Center" was aimed at assessing the level of professional competencies of library staff. The tasks of the first stage tested knowledge in the field of scientometrics and the preparation of scientific publications.

The competition was held with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The first stage was attended by employees of 145 Russian universities (one from each institution).

The laureate of the first stage of the competition was Olga Viktorovna Furmanova, head of the international information resources sector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The competition is designed to identify and support talented librarians, identify new leaders in the library industry, and highlight the importance of the library's role in the university's development strategy.

The organizers of the competition are ELS Lan, the Association of Producers and Users of Educational Electronic Resources (APUEER), the information and analytical journal "University Book".

The competition partners are the Consortium of Networked Electronic Libraries (NEL), the National Consortium of Russian Libraries (NEICON), the Wiley publishing house, the Grebennikov publishing house, the Antiplagiat company and the EBSCO company.

The results of the 1st stage are posted on the Competition page: https://project.lanbook.com/centr-informacii

Дата новости для фото:  26.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  6

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