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Action "All-Russian tax dictation"


Students, professors and experts of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Stavropol Territory tested their tax knowledge. An hour of tax dictation has passed at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The action "All-Russian Tax Dictation" is held from May 17 to May 30, and everyone can take part in it.

The lesson was organized by Igor Yuryevich Sklyarov, professor of SSAU, Doctor of Economics, associate professors Alexey Viktorovich Nesterenko, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Neschadimova, Tatyana Yuryevna Bezdolnaya, and Deputy Head of the Taxpayer Relations Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Stavropol Territory Marianna Yuryevna Frolova.

All-Russian tax dictation is an educational campaign of the Federal Tax Service aimed at popularizing tax legislation.

In the form of online testing, students answered 35 questions and received electronic certificates based on the results of the dictation. The questions have a practical orientation, and it was interesting for the participants of the action to test their knowledge. For example, there were tasks on calculating the amounts of taxes and tax deductions in specific situations, the deadlines for filling an income declaration, and the specifics of paying tax on professional income.

Most of the students coped with the tasks perfectly. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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