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Press Service of the Stavropol State Agrarian University among the winners of the international competition "Press Service of the Year 2020"


«Press Service of the Year» is an international competition for press secretaries, press officers and public relations specialists. It has been held since 2008. Every year a competent jury of experts evaluates the works submitted by participants to the competition and determines the best in more than ten nominations. The founder and organizer of the competition is the Press Service magazine, an all-Russian magazine for public relations specialists.

In connection with the pandemic, the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the XIII competition "Press Service of the Year 2021" was held in May this year in Moscow within the framework of the conference "Effective Press Service 2021", and gathered more than three hundred participants from all over Russia on one site.

The press service of the Stavropol State Agrarian University presented a television project "Student of the AU" for the competition. This is a program about the life of students, the creative group consists of employees of the press service and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The main content of the program is made up of news stories about events in the life of the agricultural university, interesting events and meetings held at the university; outside the educational and creative life of students, concerts; sports achievements and records of athletes of the Agrarian University. In 2020, the editorial staff of the program released 197 stories.

The jury of the XIII competition "Press Service of the Year 2021" included specialists from different fields, businessmen, teachers, journalists.

Among all the competitive applications, the project "Student of the AU" was highly appreciated by the panel of judges and entered the top three in the "Best Student PR Project" nomination.

The purpose of the competition: to give PR specialists from any corner of Russia and the CIS an opportunity to declare themselves in the professional community of their colleagues; get an assessment of your activities from a professional expert council; communicate with colleagues from other cities and countries and understand how they live and how they solve the same problems; learn new techniques and methods of work in order to apply them in your practice.

Also, within the framework of the conference "Effective Press Service 2021", work took place in the thematic sections: "Public Relations in Government Structures" and "Public Relations in Business".

More than 200 profile specialists, heads of press services and journalists took part in the conference. 25 speakers - practitioners and recognized experts in the field of public relations and promotion in social networks - made presentations and relevant cases. The speakers shared relevant cases, examples of specific PR projects and PR campaigns.

Among the speakers:

· Timur Aslanov, Chief Editor of the Press Service magazine, founder of the Image-Media publishing house, member of the Russian Association for Public Relations.

· Svetlana Palchik, Head of the press service of the Head and Government of the Udmurt Republic.

· Maxim Kataev, Head of the Department for Interaction with Mass Media and Public Organizations of Rosstat.

· Anastasia Sobornikova, Head of the Press Service of the administration of the city of Penza.

· Ksenia Bolshakova, Deputy Director of the Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and others.

The main goal of the conference, of course, is live communication and exchange of experience among the leaders and employees of the bodies responsible for interaction with the media. Based on the results of two working days, general developments and main priority tasks for the development of PR strategies in all participating organizations were drawn up. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.05.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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