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Victory students in the essay competition "Financial Security"


Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance took part in the online essay competition "Financial Security" within the framework of the 1st Republican Forum "Financial Security Strategy: Personality, Business and the State." The competition was organized by the Department of Finance and Taxation of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of the Bashkir State University, the Association of Credit and Financial Organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Teachers of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department Irina Ivanovna Glotova and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Petrovna Tomilina entered the program committee and members of the jury of the competition.

The competition was held in two stages: the first stage took place from April 25 to May 16, 2021, as a result of which eight students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University entered the second round.

The final round took place online on May 27, 2021. Natalya Aleksandrovna Kuzminykh, Candidate of Economic Sciences., Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University" for scientific work, which noted that the purpose of the essay competition is to familiarize the young generation with financial literacy, which will be able to independently make a competent decision, minimize risks and thereby able to improve their financial security. Opening the competition, Head of the Department of Finance and Taxation of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of the Bashkir State University, Guzaliya Abkadirovna Galimova, noted that the competition is aimed at stimulating the development of professional culture and information competencies, developing the skills of independent creative thinking and writing one's own thoughts.

The winners of the essay competition are:

1st degree diplomas:

Veronika Serafimova, 1st year student, profile "Finance and Credit", scientific adviser, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lyubov Vasilievna Agarkova (essay "Personal financial security in the face of modern challenges and threats");

Viktoria Antyufeeva, 4th year student of specialty 38.05.01 Economic security, scientific adviser, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Raisa Ilinichna Safiullaeva (essay "Financial security of a person"),

Alla Merzlikina, 3rd year student of the specialty 38.05.01 Economic security, scientific adviser, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Petrovna Tomilina (essay "Personal financial security in conditions of progressive fraud").

II degree diplomas

Ksenia Belomytseva, 3rd year student of specialty 38.05.01 Economic security, scientific adviser, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Irina Ivanovna Glotova (essay "Personal financial security in the face of modern challenges and threats"),

Maria Kachura, 3rd year student of specialty 38.05.01 Economic security, scientific adviser, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Petrovna Tomilina (essay "My path to achieving personal financial security").

Ekaterina Tkachuk, 3rd year student of the profile "Finance and Credit", scientific adviser Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yulia Evgenievna Klishina (essay "Features of the marketing of insurance organizations"),

Anastasia Adankina, 3rd year student, profile "Finance and Credit", scientific adviser, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Nikolaevna Uglitskikh (essay "Life insurance in a pandemic").

The III degree diploma was awarded to Svetlana Moskalenko, a third-year student of the specialty 38.05.01 Economic security, scientific adviser Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Irina Ivanovna Glotova (essay "Personal financial security: factors, risks and tools of support" specialization).

The jury members noted the high level of preparation of the competitive works of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Based on the results of the competition, a collection of essays will be published. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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