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Student Olympiad in the discipline "Biological Chemistry"


An Olympiad for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was held at the Pivotal Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The main goal of the event was to expand the range of theoretical knowledge of students in the discipline "Biological Chemistry", to increase interest in the disciplines studied and the future profession. The jury consisted of the leading scientists of the faculty.

The organizers of the Olympiad were the teachers of the Department of Therapy and Pharmacology, Associate Professors: Fedota Natalya Viktorovna, Gorchakov Eduard Vladimirovich, Professor Bagamaev Bagama Manapovich.

62 students took part in the Olympiad, who were divided into 4 teams, chose the captain and gave thematic-comic names to the teams.

The topic of the Olympiad tasks "Vitamins, their structure and functions" was determined in advance. The members of each team presented visual colorful materials, prepared interesting questions.

How many vitamins are there, what is the difference between water- and fat-soluble vitamins, can the body of animals provide itself with vitamins, why are there so many vitamins under the letter B, what role do vitamins D, K play?

The teams competed in the ability to quickly name the sources of vitamins for animals and the consequences of vitamin deficiency and hypervitaminosis. The guys showed their ability to work in a team, to make quick medical decisions in non-standard situations without the right to make mistakes. Most of the tasks were of an interdisciplinary nature, and there were also tasks of increased complexity.

The format of the event made it possible for students to apply knowledge to reveal personal qualities, creativity, to show the ability to master professional vocabulary and terms. The Olympiad was held in an atmosphere of friendship, good mood and broadened the horizons of the students. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  11

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