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Project defense of the network design and educational intensive "From idea to prototype"


Within the framework of the project and educational intensive of the University at 20.35: “From idea to prototype”, the internal defense of projects took place at the Pivotal Point of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The main goal of the event was to determine the teams that will present their work at the final of the general network intensive. The projects were defended in full-time format.

From March to June this year, oSSur university took part in the project and educational intensive "From Idea to Prototype", the main organizer of which is Digital University 20.35. The educational intensive has become a platform for the development of scientific and technological projects for our students.

At the Boiling Point, public defense of projects within the university took place. Experts were invited to the internal defense of projects:

· Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, Rector of SSAU, Professor;

· Sergey Viktorovich Nesmelov, public representative of ASI in the direction of "Entrepreneurship and Technology";

· Ilya Mikhailovich Medvedev, General Director of LLC «Chistaya Liniya»;

· Igor Nikolaevich Vorotnikov, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology, Faculty of Electric Power;

· Artyom Sergeevich Marshalkin, consultant of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on technological projects;

· Nelly Alexandrovna Tunina - Head of the Department of Organization and Control of the Educational Process.

Experts evaluated projects according to many criteria. Among them: the degree of completeness of the prototype, the clarity of the problem statement. During the presentation of the project, both the presentation itself and the design of the slides were taken into account.

Based on the results of the defense, three best projects were selected:

· 1st place - the project Bot "Turum-Turum" (project mentor Anna Grigorievna Ivolga),

members of the "ProTour" project team of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism:

1. Valentina Vasilievna Vodolazskina

2. Khmelevskaya Maria Andreevna

3. Filatova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

4. Morozova Anastasia Andreevna

5. Talibova Zuleikha Khoshbakht Kyzy

6. Motorin Evgeny Alexandrovich

· 2nd place - the project "Optimal Nutrition Application", (project mentor Alena Yuryevna Ozheredova),

members of the AgroFoodGroup project team of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources:

1. Kuzminova Yulia Nikolaevna

2. Grigorenko Nikita Vasilievich

3. Polikarpov Oleg Evgenievich

4. Stukalova Alisa Denisovna

5. Bychkova Elizaveta Vladimirovna

6. Kolesnikov Ilya Dmitrievich

7. Shebarshinov Sergey Alekseevich

8. Kochergina Elena Olegovna

9. Manukyan Robert Gaykovich

· 3rd place - the project "Site AgroSALES", (project mentor Tatyana Nikolaevna Uryadova),

members of the CashWay project team of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance:

1. Zagorodnyaya Eleonora Mikhailovna

2. Mukhina Lidia Yurievna

3. Skorkina Anastasia Andreevna

4. Demchenko Anastasia Maksimovna

5. Nevidomskaya Anastasia Andreevna

The ProTour team and the AgroFoodGroup team got the right to represent projects in the All-Russian final.

Thus, the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the final of the network design and educational intensive will be represented by two teams.  

Дата новости для фото:  04.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  5

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