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Results of the All-Russian Competition of Achievements of Talented Youth "National Property of Russia"


The All-Russian Competition for Achievements of Talented Youth "National Property of Russia" is an event for high school students and students aged 14 to 25 who are engaged in scientific or research activities. The national system "Integration" invites participants to create a project with their ideas, developments or research and present it for evaluation before an expert jury. The main purpose of the competition is to attract young people to participate in independent scientific research, to develop scientific methods and systematize the knowledge gained.

The competition consists of two rounds - the All-Russian correspondence competition and the All-Russian full-time competition.

Student of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Maria Eduardovna Stepanets took part in the correspondence competition.

Competitive materials are sent for examination to expert councils in the areas of the competition. On the basis of the protocols of expert councils, the Organizing Committee decides to approve the results of the correspondence round of the Competition and award the winners the title “Laureate of the correspondence round of the All-Russian Competition of Talented Youth Achievements“ National Heritage of Russia ”.

Maria Eduardovna Stepanets prepared the work under the scientific supervision of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics - Angelina Yakovlevna Kazarova.

Work: "Problems of the FoodNet market development on the territory of the Russian Federation" was awarded a diploma of the XV All-Russian conference of students "NATIONAL ASSET OF RUSSIA" and is a laureate of the All-Russian correspondence competition of achievements of talented youth "National Property of Russia" for 2020 - 2021 academic year in the direction of "Economics, management".

The relevance of the topic taken is due to the fact that a single FOODNET segment is replacing the traditional sectors of the economy, such as: the agro-industrial complex, logistics, transport, etc. The new market will be based on consumer demand for higher quality products. The production will work with intellectualization, automation and robotization in mind. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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