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Traditional Ice Cream Day at Stavropol State Agrarian University


The most creative teams and the best students of the university gathered in the assembly hall of Stavropol State Agrarian University to sum up the results of the outgoing academic year. The program includes: rewarding the winners of the "Student of the Year 2021" competition, presenting the "Glory and Pride" medal, a reporting concert of creative teams, awarding the winners of the workers' sports contest and honoring the winning teams of the project and educational intensive.

The traditional holiday was opened by the acting rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev. 


The solemn event was attended by the entire faculty of the university and guests of honor:

· Deputy General Director of JSC "Kholod" - Natalya Ivanovna Gurova;

· Director of the Center for Youth Projects of the Stavropol Territory - Boris Ivanovich Drobotov;

· Acting Chief of Staff of the Government of the Stavropol Territory - Vyacheslav Sergeevich Korshun.

In a solemn atmosphere, the long-awaited results of the intra-university award "SSAU Student of the Year - 2021" were announced: 


● Nomination "Discovery of the Year":

Winners - Ekaterina Manaenko, Vlada Tyrsikova;

Laureates - Tatiana Makukhina, Vladimir Kalinin, Artem Radchenko.

● Nomination "Sportsman of the Year":

Winner - Diana Sheshkil;

Laureates - Kirill Sergeev, Angelina Politaeva.

● Nomination "Group of the Year":

Winner - Evgeniya Pushkareva;

Laureates - Alexandra Karmanchikova, Ivan Boldyrev.

● Nomination "Tutor of the Year":

Winner - Violetta Tishchenko;

Laureate - Margarita Gorokhova.

● Nomination "Young Scientist":

Winner - Vladimir Odnoprienko;

Laureates - Adelina Petchenko, Linara Mazinova.

● Nomination "Foreign Student of the Year":

Winners - Vitaly Tagaev (FVM), Man Sheriff.

● Nomination "Creative Person of the Year":

Winner - Arina Ayriyan;

Laureates - Nika Kalin, Daniil Kryakvin.

● Nomination "Student Leader of the Year":

Winner - Anastasia Vasina;

Laureates - Victoria Gomanyuk, Dmitry Cherkashin.

● Nomination "Volunteer of the Year":

Winner - Anastasia Prydchenko;

Laureates - Alina Drupova, Raziyat Radjabova.

● Nomination "Media Activist of the Year":

Winner - Valeria Khvorost;

Laureates - Elizaveta Yulugina, Daria Karpenko.

● Nomination "Public Activist of the Year":

Winners - Daria Baranova, Irina Efremova;

Laureates - Marya Malykhina, Valeria Cherkashina.

● Nomination "Discovery of the FSF Year":

Winner - Valeria Shulga;

Laureate - Georgy Avakov.

● Nomination "Grand Prix of SSAU":

Winner - Olga Loskutova;

Laureate - Tatiana Skripchenko. 


The event continued by honoring the winners of the project and educational intensive “From Idea to Prototype”. Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Bobryshev in a solemn atmosphere presented the teams with diplomas and wished good luck at the next stage of the intensive.

The whole holiday was accompanied by performances by the creative teams of the Agrarian University. By tradition, the concert was opened by a large student choir of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture. During the "Star Scattering of Talents" festival, songs of vocal studios and musical ensembles of the university sounded, as well as excellent solo performances of students. The dance groups surprised the audience of the concert with their coherence and beauty of movements. 


After the performances of the creative teams, an agreement was signed with the strategic partner OJSC “Kholod”. This year, the students of SSAU will again go on a summer vacation to the Albatross boarding house. 


The grand concert ended with the presentation of the honorary medals "Glory and Pride of the University" to the most outstanding students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. And also, by the decision of the university management, the KVN team “Those same” was given a certificate for 300 thousand rubles for the development of the team, participation in the next game and the purchase of props.

The cherry on top of the holiday was a 100 kilogram ice cream cake, which everyone was able to enjoy. The celebration continued in an informal atmosphere to the accompaniment of an instrumental-vocal group.

The full photo report can be found at the link https://cloud.mail.ru/public/comj/dweQgrWCb

Дата новости для фото:  09.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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