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Practical classes for future graduates of the biotechnology faculty


Within the framework of the cooperation agreement in the SEC "Plemzavod Vtoraya Pyatiletka" of the Ipatovsky district, students and teachers of the biotechnology faculty went to a practical lesson. Also, within the framework of the trip, work was carried out on joint research with VNIIOK - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FNATs".

During the practical lesson, students were accompanied by:

Head of the basic department of private animal husbandry, selection and breeding of animals, biotechnological faculty, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeny Nikolaevich Chernobay;

VNIIOK employee - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Research Center", Associate Professor Galina Viktorovna Zavgorodnyaya;

Chief Researcher of VNIIOK - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian Federal Research Center", Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Anatoly Foadovich Shevkhuzhev.

An interactive (practical lesson) on the discipline "Sheep and goat breeding" on the topic: "Organization and shearing of sheep" was held for students at the shearing station of the farm, followed by a master class on the classification of wool, on which the contractual price depends upon its sale.

Students, in practice, learned to work in accordance with the current GOST 28491-90 “Wool of sheep unwashed with the separation of parts of the fleece. Technical conditions ".

Also, for joint research by the base department of private zootechnics, selection and breeding of animals of the biotechnological faculty and the base department from VNIIOK - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "North Caucasian FNATS" on the topic: "Characteristics of the quality of wool of fine-wool breeds of sheep of the Stavropol Territory", samples of wool from animals were taken uterine flocks.

Students asked many questions, to which comprehensive answers were given. Also, the main livestock specialist of the farm Mukhtar Apandievich Idrisov and breeder Dmitry Sergeevich Zlenko took direct part in the interactive lesson.

The Faculty of Biotechnology expresses its gratitude to Igor Gennadievich Serdyukov, Chairman of the SEC "Plemzavod Vtoraya Pyatiletka", for the opportunity to conduct practical training. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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