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International scientific and practical conference AGRITECH V


Teachers of the Faculty of Biotechnology took part in an international scientific and practical conference and presented their developments at the international competition of the best food products, food raw materials and innovative developments, which took place in Volgograd.

The lecturers of the department of technology of production and processing of agricultural products of the biotechnological faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the international scientific and practical conference AGRITECH V - 2021 on the topic: "Innovative development of agrarian and food technologies" and the international competition of the best food products, food raw materials and innovative developments.

The conference considered new principles and algorithms for the preservation and implementation of the genetic potential of farm animals and poultry; modern approaches to technologies for growing, feeding and keeping farm animals and poultry; advanced technologies for processing livestock products; topical problems of food technologies and biotechnological aspects of creating food products, as well as ensuring food security in Russia and the countries of the conference participants (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, China, Iran, Northern Ireland, Czech Republic, Serbia).

Representatives of Northern Ireland, China and Kyrgyzstan made reports in English in person, representatives of Serbia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Iran took part online.

In full-time format, the department was represented by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Shlykov S.N. According to the results of the review of the competition for the development of the department, they received the highest awards - diplomas of the 1st degree for:

1. Development of technology for a combined meat product for a healthy diet;

2. Research of biotechnological potential and development of food technologies based on secondary raw materials of animal origin;

3. Development of a line of functional fortified dairy products;

4. Development of a technique for increasing productivity, resistance of young sheep based on biophysical methods. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  1

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