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This year's first meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of Stavropol State Agrarian University


The Council’s activities are aimed at developing proposals on the University policy in the field of scientific, innovation, design, experimental and production activities; issues of training scientific and pedagogical personnel and improving their skills; organization and implementation of examination of proposals related to the development of scientific and innovative activities at Stavropol State Agrarian University; promoting the most effective use and development of research potential, integration of scientific activities and the educational process, interaction with industrial partners. The Council is also a scientific and technical commission of the Academic Council of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The first meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the FSBEI HE Stavropol SAU took place this year, which was created by the decision of the Academic Council of the University on April 30, 2021.

The objectives of the STC are:

- the formation of scientific and innovative activities of the University in a single scientific and educational space in the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel, the implementation of research and development work;

- provision of conditions for effective development and management of scientific and innovative activities, involving long-term planning and coordination of the work of scientific departments;

- bringing the ongoing research in line with the Priority directions of development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation, the needs of the region and the country as a whole;

- collegial consideration of issues and the development of agreed decisions on issues of scientific and educational activities of the University.

The activities of the STC are aimed at solving the following tasks:

- development of a strategy for scientific development and innovation policy of the University, ensuring the mobilization of resources for solving fundamental, applied and innovative problems in promising scientific areas, based on government assignments, national, international projects, the profile of the University, the scope of its scientific interests;

-analysis of the level of the scientific potential of the University, the results of research and development carried out at Stavropol State Agrarian University in the framework of priority areas in the field of science and education;

- promotion of FSBEI HE Stavropol SAU as a leader of agricultural universities, an innovation and production center in the agricultural industry, strengthening its position as an entrepreneurial organization;

- creation of optimal conditions for increasing the volume of R&D and ensuring effective transfer and commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities at the university;

- implementation of organizational and methodological guidance and coordination of R&D carried out in structural divisions and leading scientific schools of the University; analysis and assessment of their scientific and innovative activities;

- coordination and analysis of research and project work of students at the University;

- consideration of proposals for optimizing the management structure and the composition of the units of the research infrastructure of the University;

- development of recommendations for improving the forms of integration of science, practice and educational activities;

- assistance in the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel and the improvement of scientific qualifications of the teaching staff of the University;

- consideration of issues of cooperation with scientific, design, agricultural and technological organizations in order to jointly solve the most important scientific and technical problems, create new technologies and expand the use of university developments in production;

- carrying out an expert assessment of proposals of structural divisions of the University for participation in various scientific, scientific and technical competitions, programs and the formation of a list of applications, projects, etc., sent to competitions based on the results of its implementation.

The following issues were considered at the meeting:

1. Approval of the work plan of the scientific and technical council of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Report of the head of the scientific and innovative training center Sergey Nikolaevich Antonov.

2. Consideration and approval of topics for competitions of the Russian Science Foundation:

- competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation in the priority area of activity of the Russian Science Foundation “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by small individual scientific groups” (regional competition) until 15.10.2021 17:00;

- competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation in the priority area of activity of the Russian Science Foundation “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by individual scientific groups” (regional competition) until 15.10.2021 17:00. Report of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance for Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Accounting Alexander Vitalievich Frolov.

3. Discussion of topics submitted for the competition for grants of the Russian Science Foundation in the priority area of the Russian Science Foundation “Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory research by small individual scientific groups” until 15.06.2021 17:00. Report of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance for Research, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Accounting Alexander Vitalievich Frolov.

4. Scientometric indicators of journals and work with journals in scientometric databases. Report by the head of the international information resources sector Olga Viktorovna Furmanova.

5. Preparation of a scientific article for a journal indexed by international citation databases. Report of the engineer for scientific and technical information of the scientific and innovative training center Irina Viktorovna Samoilenko.

6. Approval of the catalog of innovative, high-tech services and technologies of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Report of the vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, professor Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  6

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