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Opposing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences


The training of highly qualified personnel involves the participation of scientists in the certification of colleagues, including in opposing dissertations, which is considered as one of the types of social scientific activity and as one of the stages of the examination of scientific work. The presentation of official opponents at a meeting of the dissertation council opens a discussion about the content and quality of the research carried out by the applicant for a scientific degree.

Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Anna Petrovna Shutko took part in the meeting of the Dissertation Council D 220.061.05 at Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov as an official opponent on the dissertation of Mohammed Sabah Rabi Mohammed Elsayed “Techniques for combating fungal diseases of potato tubers in the Lower Volga region”, presented for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in Specialty 06.01.07 - Plant protection.

Potatoes are among the world’s leading crops, along with corn, wheat and rice. Industry experts estimate the volume of world cultural production at 390 million tons. At the same time, the Russian Federation and the Arab Republic of Egypt are the world’s largest potato producers.

In the dissertation of Mohammed Sabah Rabi Mohammed Elsayed, lecturer of the Department of Plant Protection at Damanhur University, postgraduate student of the Department of Plant Protection of Saratov State Agrarian University (supervisor - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plant Protection Ivan Dmitrievich Yeskov), from an agrobiological point of view, the use of calcium chloride in combination is substantiated with chitosan as immunity inducers in the system of integrated protection of potatoes against diseases; the effectiveness of processing potato tubers before storing them with chitosan and essential oils of cumin and lavender has been experimentally proven in order to protect against dry rot of fusarium etiology and phomosis.

In the response of the official opponent, Professor A.P. Shutko concludes that Mohammed Sabah Rabi Mohammed Elsayed’s dissertation is a completed scientific work, which, in terms of relevance, scientific and methodological level, novelty and practical significance, meets the requirements for awarding the scientific degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the Specialty 06.01.07 - plant protection. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.06.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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