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Successful defence of the thesis for the degree was conducted


Dissertation Council D 220.062.02 of FSBEI VO "Stavropol State Agrarian University" defended the thesis for the degree of candidate of biological sciences.

Thesis defense took place in D 220.062.02 in FSBEI VPO "Stavropol State Agrarian University" for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences, postgraduate student of the Department of Therapy and Pharmacology Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikulin. The work of the candidate: "The effectiveness of therapeutic application of portable self-contained ozone generation device in the treatment of bronchopneumonia in animals" was carried out in FSBEI VO "Stavropol State Agrarian University", under the supervision of the supervisor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Valery Anatolievich Belyaev.

The dissertation council consisted of leading scientists, chaired by Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Vladimir Alexandrovich Orobets.

The defence of the thesis was successful. The members of the Dissertation Council voted unanimously in favour of awarding the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences to the applicant.

Дата новости для фото:  02.07.2021
Номер новости для фото:  8

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