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Meeting for experts on professional-public accreditation and members of accreditation councils


The meeting of the National Accreditation Council of the Association of Quality Assurance Agencies took place. The event took place in the remote format. The meeting was focused on the regulatory activities of experts on public-professional accreditation and members of accreditation councils.

The Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Professor Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin took part in the meeting as an expert.

The meeting considered the key issues arising for the experts carrying out practical work within the procedures of professional-public accreditation (PPA): tasks of PPA experts, documents regulating the PPA procedures, structure and composition of the model PPA methodology, criteria for evaluation of educational programmes, structure of report of expert commission on the results of accreditation examination. All the results of the expert examinations were also confirmed.

The event was attended by 118 representatives of the quality assurance agencies of ENQA member countries. Four organisations took part in the meeting from Russia - National Centre of Professional and Public Accreditation (Natsakkredtsentr), National Accreditation Agency for Education (Rosakredagentstvo), Agency for Quality Control in Education and Career Development (AKKORK) and Russian Register. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.07.2021
Номер новости для фото:  2

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