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SSAU teachers took part in the All-Russian online marathon of financial education volunteers


The Association for the Development of Financial Literacy held the next stage of the online marathon of financial education volunteers, at which representatives of the Stavropol Territory presented their best practices to improve financial literacy.

Gavrilenko Anatoly Grigorievich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy, Kaganov Veniamin Shaevich, Director of the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy, Andrianov Andrey Nikolaevich, Deputy Director of the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy, Georgy Alekseevich Tikunov, Manager of the Stavropol Territory Department of the Southern Chief management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

During the discussion, the speakers presented the best practices of the Stavropol Territory in financial education.

Georgy Alekseevich Tikunov, manager of the Stavropol Territory Branch of the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, presented the draft of audio lectures "Financial Culture", which can be found at the link: https://fincult.info/teaching/audio/tsikl-audiolektsiy-finansovaya-kultura/.

Elena Nikolaevna Lapina, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Stavropol State Agrarian University, shared her experience of including the competence in financial literacy in the educational programs of higher education and vocational education. In her report, Elena Nikolaevna noted that the Agrarian University, along with the main educational and scientific activities, is actively working on financial education and improving the financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory. Since 2012, within the framework of joint projects with business partners, the University has held a number of educational events not only for future financiers, but for students of non-economic specialties. The pilot projects of SSAU and Sberbank PJSC "Financial literacy in universities and schools" and "Electronic village" deserve special attention. It has become a good tradition to celebrate the All-Russian Day of the Financier. More than 2500 students of SSAU take part in this event annually.

More systematic and mass work in the field of financial education has become thanks to the participation of the University since 2014 in the regional program "Increasing the level of financial literacy of the population of the Stavropol Territory and the development of financial education in the Stavropol Territory" and the federal project "Assistance in increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in Of the Russian Federation ”, strengthened in 2018 by a series of joint educational events with the Bank of Russia, as well as the creation of a student volunteer squad“ Financier ”, numbering 37 volunteers from among the students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty. The main activity of the detachment is to increase the financial literacy of young people in schools, orphanages, secondary schools and universities of the Stavropol Territory through thematic classes, business games, trainings, master classes, quests and financial tournaments, as well as consulting assistance to young people in the field of financial education.

Every year the Agrarian University becomes an interactive large-scale platform for the All-Russian Week of Savings and the All-Russian Week of Financial Literacy for children and youth.

Fighters of the "Financier" team are implementing several projects: a tournament in board games "Happiness is not in money" and "In the footsteps of monopoly"; pedestrian quest “Friends with finances”, Hackathon game “Money works”, quest game “Financial stars”, youth game “FingramKiViN”, intellectual game “What? Where? When? in the world of finance ”, educational and entertaining game for primary school students “Journey to the world of finance” and many others.

Since 2019, the target audience has been expanded by conducting master classes on the use of remote financial services and services for citizens of the "silver age" and educational events for employees of organizations in the workplace. In a pandemic, the work did not stop, but on the contrary received a new vector of development thanks to the remote format. Since March 2020, the following projects have been implemented: a marathon-webinar "Financial Genius" with elements of a master class for students of secondary vocational education; training seminars "Improving the financial literacy of employees of enterprises" in the format of webinars and mentoring in messengers.

Since 2021, new horizons in the field of financial education are opening up for the students of the Agrarian University due to the inclusion of the discipline "Financial literacy" in the basic part of the curricula of most of the basic educational programs in order to master the universal competence in the field of economic culture, including financial literacy. The principal feature of the new training course will be its practical orientation, acquiring knowledge and skills “for life”.

During the marathon, the experience of other universities was also presented. Stupnikova Oksana Emelyanovna, Head of the North Caucasus Interregional Methodological Center, Associate Professor of the North Caucasus Institute-Branch of the RANEPA, spoke about interregional interaction, teacher training, financial literacy games for adults and children; Alimova Inna Olegovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit of the Institute of Economics and Management of NCFU, spoke about the multi-stage competition "My Financial Tale", the organization and holding of rural and urban financial festivals for children in online and offline formats.

The recording of the online marathon of financial education volunteers is available on the ARFG youtube channel:


Дата новости для фото:  06.07.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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