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Final meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


A meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University for the 2020/2021 academic year was held. Members of the EMC SSAU, deputy deans for academic affairs, chairmen of educational and methodological commissions of faculties took part in the meeting. During the meeting, the results of the work of the Educational and Methodological Council of SSAU for the 2020-2021 academic year were summed up.

Due to the fact that one of the main goals of the work of the EMC of the SSAU is to determine the uniform priority directions of the educational and methodological activities of the structural divisions of the university in accordance with the urgent tasks of the development of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, new directions of development are outlined related to solving specific problems, in particular, with the launch of network educational programs at the university and the formation of a competency profile in educational programs of higher education.

At the meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council of the university, Nelly Alexandrovna Tunina, head of the department of organization and control of the educational process, spoke with a report "Network educational program: an algorithm for launching and implementing at the university" based on the materials of the seminar of the Higher School of Economics, Kochubei Center (St. Petersburg, Pushkin). In her report, Nelly Aleksandrovna outlined the significance and potential for the development of network interaction in the implementation of network educational programs with the leading universities of the Russian Federation, agricultural universities, research institutes and industrial partners. The presented experience in the implementation of network educational NRU HSE, RUFP, FEFU, IKBFU made it possible to form an idea of the further actions of the Stavropol GAU in this direction. The Council got acquainted with possible models for the implementation of network educational programs and the algorithm for launching such programs at our university.

An important area of educational and methodological work aimed at improving the quality of educational programs of higher education is an objective study of the labor market, the relevance and relevance of the competencies of specialists, the conditions for the professional activity of enterprises and organizations in the region. For this, the University conducts surveys of employers: managers, chief and leading specialists of successful enterprises and organizations of the Stavropol Territory in the areas of training.

The head of the department for monitoring consumer expectations Valentina Anatolyevna Ivashova reported on the results of a pilot survey of employers in the field of training 04.04.01 Veterinary and sanitary examination, profile "Biological and ecological safety of products of animal and vegetable origin." During the discussion of the analytical materials of the study, the participants of the meeting emphasized the relevance of the opinion of the professional expert community regarding the universal, general professional and professional competencies of graduates. After approbation of the research strategy, the study of the current competence profile of the graduate will be carried out for all educational programs of higher education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

On the designated tasks, the main problematic issues for all structural divisions turned out to be common and a decision was made to develop joint pilot projects at the faculties. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.07.2021
Номер новости для фото:  6

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