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Participation in the International Agroindustrial Exhibition "AGROVOLGA - 2021"


Employees and students of the base department of private animal husbandry, selection and breeding of animals of the biotechnological faculty took part in the work of the International agro-industrial exhibition "AGROVOLGA - 2021", which was held on July 1-3 in the Republic of Tatarstan under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Topical issues of modern dairy farming were discussed at the section "Livestock" of the International agro-industrial exhibition "AGROVOLGA - 2021".

The following participants took part in the work of the section and made reports:

Lenar Nailevich Garipov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Jiří Motyčka, member of the Working Group at the World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF), Executive Director of the Czech Holstein Association;

Elena Georgievna Averyanova, Head of the Section for Cooperation on Agroindustrial Policy of the Department of Agroindustrial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission;

Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleinik, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Basic Department of Private Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals, Stavropol State Agrarian University, and others.

In his report “Problems of control milking. Methodology for calculating daily milk indicators” Professor Sergey Aleksandrovich Oleinik informed the section participants about the directions of work of the department staff on the adaptation of ICAR accounting practices in national dairy farming. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.07.2021
Номер новости для фото:  4

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