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FSBEI HE Stavropol State Agrarian University is the leader of Russian agricultural universities in the national ranking of universities for 2021


The independent news agency Interfax has presented the XII Annual National University Ranking (NUR) for 2021.

According to the results of the National University Ranking, Stavropol State Agrarian University confidently takes 1st place (for the sixth time in a row!) among the country's agricultural universities. In total, 341 higher educational institutions of Russia took part in the rating in 2021.

In the consolidated National University Ranking in 2021, Stavropol State Agrarian University rose to 62-63 place (in 2020 it took 68-70 place) among 341 Russian universities and still holds the 1st place among agricultural universities in the country.

Among other agricultural universities – leaders of the National University Ranking 2021 – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after I. K.A. Timiryazev (96-98 place), Saratov GAU (101-103 place), and Kuban GAU (117 place).

The National University Ranking (NUR) is based on the results of assessing the activities of universities according to 6 indicators: educational activities; research activities; social environment; international and interregional cooperation; brand; innovation and technological entrepreneurship.

The assessment is carried out on the basis of processing the data of questionnaires filled in by representatives of universities, available public data posted by educational institutions on their websites, public data of information resources of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as information from the information and analytical systems "SPARK-Interfax" and SCAN-Interfax.

The full version of the results of the National University Ranking 2021 is available on the website


Information: The National University Ranking (NUR) project has been implemented by the Interfax Group since 2010. Its main goal is to develop mechanisms and procedures for an independent assessment system for Russian universities and their educational programs, increase the competitiveness of the Russian education system, scientific research and technological entrepreneurship, and develop federal and regional universities.

The independent information agency Interfax is the largest non-governmental information group in Russia, the creator of the advanced information and analytical systems SPARK, SCAN, Marker, X-Compliance, RU Data, which help to effectively manage risks and work with data. The group includes one of the most famous and most cited Russian news agencies in the world - Interfax. Interfax's clients include leading media outlets, government agencies, major corporations and banks in Russia and the world. 

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