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Grain harvesting is the base of practice for students of SSAU


Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University annually undergo practical training on the basis of partner companies of the University. Among them is the Agriko group of companies, whose enterprises carry out the whole range of production activities for the cultivation, processing, storage and sale of agricultural products. This year, students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization performed well during the harvest campaign.

The campaign for harvesting grain at the enterprises of the AGRICO Group of Companies has ended. The harvesting was successful and in due time, this is also the merit of the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of SSAU.

Georgy Pervushin, Vyacheslav Borodyuk and Sergey Borzenko underwent practical training in department 11 of Agrofirma Zolotaya Niva in the village of Kugulta.

Danila Zelensky, Ivan Kononov, Vladislav Grebnev and Aleksey Markin worked at the Chkalova agricultural enterprise, in the Predgorny district.

Students worked in the harvest with professionals. Thus, the students practice their skills and prepare for further employment.

The executive director of the department №11 Alexey Gulevsky noted that the students’ salaries are quite decent. However, the students work not only for the sake of money and credited practice, for example, Vyacheslava Borodyuk believes that this is an excellent opportunity to gain professional experience:

- How can you become a real professional mechanical engineer who saw a tractor or harvester only in the picture in the textbook?

It’s no secret that work during the harvesting period always goes on non-stop, without days off and holidays, Georgy Pervushin said:

- The management does not divide students and employees into friends. They treat us kindly, but they do not hold us for guests: we work on an equal basis with everyone. We are distracted only by having lunch, because a hungry worker is a bad worker. And no more indulgence.

Alexey Gulevsky admitted that it was sad to part with the guys, but after graduating from the University, those who wish will be able to continue working at the enterprise on an ongoing basis.

“It is gratifying that the students specially came to our farm to see what kind of equipment there is, what kind of work we can offer them. This approach is worthy of respect. Training students on modern equipment in the field will certainly improve the quality of training qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex,” he commented. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.08.2021
Номер новости для фото:  1

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