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Knowledge Day at Stavropol State Agrarian University


The Stavropol State Agrarian University started the academic year with a ceremonial meeting and welcomed the long-awaited students from ten faculties. The rally was held in two stages, separately for higher education and secondary vocational students. This year, almost 2,000 people became students at Russia's best agrarian university 

The solemn part of Knowledge Day traditionally began with the presentation of the banner of the Stavropol State Agricultural University decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. Then Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev, temporary acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, made a welcoming speech.

Guests of honour at the opening of the new academic year were graduates of the Agrarian University:

- Olga Viktorovna Timofeeva, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a graduate of SSAU,

- Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, graduate of SSAU Alexey Fedorovich Lavrinenko.

The first-year students from each department of the university were invited to the stage. They were presented with the symbolic Flame of Knowledge, which they used to light the Bowl of Knowledge. Then the students were given an identical initiation - the Freshman Pledge was read out. As a symbol of future achievements and victories for the benefit of the Stavropol State Order of the Red Banner of Labour Agrarian University the Pledge was given to the university rector A.V. Trukhachev.

It is a university tradition to give the first-year students a symbolic key to the temple of education and science, a record book and a student card at the time of their initiation. The symbols of excellent studies were handed to the first-year students by the university administration.

Traditionally, the first-year students laid flowers at the memorial to those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

The " Agrariy" combined student group paraded across the granite square. For 20 years, the AGRARIY unit has been the best in Stavropol Krai. Squad leader Sergey Nogin reported: "The combined unit "AGRARIY" consisting of 9 student detachments and 4 volunteer detachments has fulfilled its tasks with honour."

Mechanized unit "Kolos" threshed more than eight hundred and fifty thousand quintals of grain, not only in the educational and experimental farm of the university, but also in the farms of the region.

- Veterinary group "Aybolit" carried out more than four hundred difficult diagnostic researches of small domestic animals, made more than hundred cavitary operations, group members spent a summer work term in one of the leading agricultural holdings of the country on milk production "EkoNiva APK".

- The agricultural troop "Technologist" - at the dairy processing plant "EkoNiva Milk Voronezh" produced more than 20 types of dairy products from one thousand four hundred and fifty thousand tons of milk.

Soldiers of the volunteer group "Mechta" - worked in four children's health camps in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. In 2021, the Dream team became one of the best student teams in the Stavropol Territory.

- The construction team 'Masterok' has repaired and commissioned over 10 thousand square metres of classrooms, laboratories and dormitories at the university.

- Landscape and building team " Ozelenitel" - during a school year has conducted 135 actions on gardening of the territory of our university.

- Service team "Restaurateur" - had practical training in the leading hotel and restaurant complexes of Stavropol, Kuban and the Republic of Crimea.

- The " Land Surveyor" team carried out field work on a total area of 27,800 hectares and prepared three schemes for an inventory of agricultural land.·

The " Financier" squad won the nomination of the All-Russian competition of specialised squads of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

- Volunteer group "Tolk" - for several years the group has been supervising all KVN league games in the Caucasus, and since last autumn the group has been supervising all scientific conferences, meetings, live broadcasts and events of any format in the scientific and innovation space of the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agricultural University.

- Volunteer group "Care" supervises 4 orphanages of Stavropol Krai. During the year 90 volunteer events were held and 26 projects were implemented.

The team won the regional stage of the Russian national award Student of the Year 2020

in the Volunteer Association and Volunteer of Russia categories.

- Activists from the Volunteer Volunteer squad won the All-Russian competition "Volunteer of Russia". The squad's activists include winners of the Russian national Student of the Year award and winners of the Hot Heart state award. The squad has implemented 23 socially significant projects of its own.

- Volunteer group "Flame" proved itself in the organisation and conduct of the international festival "Student Spring of BRICS and SCO countries".

Then athletes from the Agrarian University, winners and runners-up in regional, federal and international competitions marched across the square. For the first time the cybersports team was represented. They were winners of the finals of the All-Russian Student CyberSports League.

Participants in the WorldSkills Russia movement presented their achievements. This is a community of teachers - experts and students - participants in the professional skills competition.

The first-year students were also able to appreciate the beauty of the equestrian sports school and see the large fleet of the SSAU driving school.

The festivities did not go without a Queen, freshmen were greeted by Anastasia Vikhlyaeva, student of the Faculty of Economics and "Miss University 2021", "Miss Student of the Stavropol Territory 2021".

The celebration ended with the anthem of the Stavropol State Agricultural University. Ahead of all first-year students a rich and vibrant life awaits them within the walls of the best university in the country.  

Дата новости для фото:  01.09.2021
Номер новости для фото:  3

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